Hon. Alfredo Montelibano, Sr. donated 10 hectares of land to the Christian Brothers
La Salle College was founded by Br. Dennis Rushland FSC, Br. Hugh Wester FSC, Br. Felix Masson FSC with grade 1-5
The sixth grade was opened
High School opened with 67 students
College of Commerce opened with 25 students
The seventh grade was opened
Bro. Martin Castillo was appointed College Dean
The College had its 15 first graduates of Associate in Commercial Science (ACS)
Bro. Francis Cody, FSC was appointed the College Dean
The first issue of the Spectrum was published
Mr. Adolf Ledesma gave the name “Spectrum” to the campus paper
The College had its first 15 graduates of Bachelor of Science in Commerce (BSC)
The Gymnasium was built (now the Coliseum)
The College of Liberal Arts opened with 16 students
Br. Francis Cody FSC organized the Alumni Association
The Hacienda Schools system started
The Brother’s Residence was built
The Graduate School of Business (MBA) started
The Chapel, designed by Lindy Locsin, was constructed
The College of Education opened (BSE & BSEd)
The College accepted female students
The Montelibano family and the De La Salle Brothers signed the Deed of Donation for the 10-hectare land where the University stands today
Cody Hall and the Prep classrooms were built
Br. Hugh Wester FSC was appointed College Dean
The College produced its first 16 BSE and first 5 BSEd graduates
Ong Chun Ying placed 4th of the CPA licensure board exam
Br. Rafael S. Donato FSC was appointed as the first Filipino Brother President of La Salle College
Ernie Villa ranked 6th placed in the CPA Licensure Board Exam
Silver Jubilee celebration
Wester Hall was constructed
PAASCU granted accreditation for 3 years to Commerce, Liberal Arts and Grade School
PAASCU granted 3 years accreditation to the High School
Lino Jison ranked 6th in the CPA Licensure Board Exam
PAASCU granted 5-7 years accreditation to 2 programs: Commerce & Liberal Arts
The Master Education Management program was started
Vicky Fernandez ranked 2nd place in the CPA Licensure Board Exam
Roberto Chua ranked 3rd place CPA Licensure exam
The Scholarship office was created to implement the Handumanan Scholarship Program
The Library was contsructed
The five-year College of Engineering was opened
Br. Victor Franco FSC was appointed Presidents of the College
The College of Nursing was opened
The Basic Education Program was renamed USLS Integrated School
Br. Rolando R. DIzon FSC was appointed President of the College
Coral Jubilee Year
The Science and Engineering Building was constructed through ASHA grant
La Salle College-Bacolod was elevated to UNIVERSITY STATUS
Sonia de la Torre ranked 7th place in the CPA Licensure Exam
The First University Week was celebrated
CAS, CBA and Education were reaccredited by PAASCU for 5 years
Michael Sontingco ranked 8th place in the Chemical Engineering Board Exam
Ruby Jubilee Year
The Computer Center Building was constructed
The Performing Arts Center was constructed
The College of Law opened
Construction of St. Lasalle Coliseum was started
Fernando Belleza ranked 5th place in the Philippine Board Examination for Teachers
Emmanuel Siason ranked 1st place in the ECE Licensure Exam
Nadine Castillon ranked 6th place in the Nursing Licensure Exam
The University acquired the 55-hectare Granada Campus
The St. Lasalle Coliseum was completed
Elmer Baguioro ranked 7th place in the Chemical Engineering Board Exam
Irene Deslate-Gumboc ranked 7th place in the Nursing Board Exam
Mary Grace Go ranked 10th place in the Nursing Board Exam
The Granada Agriculture Farm was established
Br. Ricky Laguda FSC was 1st place in the Teachers Board Exam
Wencesiao de la Paz ranked 3rd place in ECE board Exam
Michael Hugo ranked 4th place in ECE board exam
Suzanne Gustilo ranked 7th place in the Nursing Board Exam
USLS ranked 4th in the National ECE Licensure Examination
USLS ranked 3rd place in the National CPA Licensure Examination
USLS ranked 4th place in the National ECE Licensure Examination
USLS got 100% passing rate in the Nursing Licensure Exam
USLS got 100% passing rate in the Licensure Examination for Teachers
The Granada Ecopark was initiated
Carla Yson won the Gold Medal, Discus Throw 21st ASIAN Track & Field Championship in Penang, Malaysia
James Dinsay and Michael Benedicto, Philippine Team for Football in Thailand
Liezel Palisawan and Carlo Piccio, Asia-Pacific Swimming Champion
Br. Gus FSC EdD was installed President of USLS
Ralph Sarmiento ranked 10th place in the Bar Examination, one if the pioneer graduates of the College of Law, Batch 1997
Dympra Ormeo ranked 2nd place in the Nursing Board Exam
Sheryl Empinado ranked 4th place in the Chemical Engineering Board Exam
Ian Octaviano ranked 10th place in the Chemical Engineering Board Exam
Engineering Programs designated CHED as Center for Development
Accountancy Program designated by CHED as Center for Business Education
USLS cited by Private Education Retirement Annuity Association (PERAA) as one of 15 Colleges in the country which are “good sources of manpower for business firms”
Ryan Vargas ranked 1st place in the ECE Licensure Board Exam
Alfredo Barroca ranked 3rd place in the Licensure Exam for teachers
BSEEd obtained 100% passing rate in the LET
GSM/Law/Health Science Library Building was constructed
Darlene Joy Torre ranked 3rd place in the CPA Licensure Exam
Garry Blanca ranked 8th place in the ECE Licensure Exam
University Chorale was adjudged NAMCYA National Champion
USLS 806th NROTC topped the National Tactical Inspection
USLS declared 2nd top Accountancy School nationwide
Bahay Pag-Asa was constructed
Solomon Hall was constructed
GSM/Law/Medicine Office was constructed
USLS granted Autonomous Status by CHED
Janine Jean Jalandoni ranked 5th place in the CPA Licensure Exam
Jinoe M. Gavan ranked 3rd place in the ECE Licensure Exam
John David Pestano ranked 7th place in the Chemical Engineering Licensure Exam
The College of Law was Library adjudged as Model Centennial Library by the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
The Golden Jubilee of the University was celebrated
The College of Medicine was opened
Carlo James Abrasia ranked 4th place in the Chemical Engineering Licensure Exam
Maricel Lo ranked 6th place in the CPA Board Exam
Therese Marie Golez ranked 7th in the CPA Licensure Exam
Ann Ann Joy Au ranked 10th in the CPA Board Exam
Benilde Hall was constructed
USLS was named Top SSS employer for western visayas
Primitivo Paypon was chosen as of one the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines
USLS ranked 1st in Category C of the CPA licensure exam
Allen Michael Arendon ranked 8th in the ECE Board Exam
USLS co-hosted the 2005 SEAGAMES for beach volleyball and boxing
The La Salle Yearbook Scholarship Fund was established
The College of Medicine graduated its first 24 students
Mutien Marie Hall was contsructed
Br. Raymundo B. Suplido FSC PhD was installed President
Brian T. Lim ranked 1st in the CPA Board Exam
Orville T. Lim ranked 1st in the CPA Board Exam
Rodyney Sia ranked 10th in the Electronics and Communications Engineering Board Exam
College of Law adjudged National Champion in the Moot Court Competition and represented the Philippines in the International Moot Court Competition held in Hong Kong
The Institute for Culinary Arts/Salon De La Salle/Café De La Salle facilities was constructed
The Institute for Culinary Arts De La Salle was opened
Level 3 PAASCU Reaccreditation of College of Arts and Sciences, Business and Accountancy, and Education
Level PAASCU Accreditation of College of Engineering
Mutien Marie Professional Schools Annex was completed
Renewal of CHED-5-Year Autonomous Status was granted
BS Chemical Engineering and BS Computer Engineering programs were designated as CHED Center of Development
The MM Annex Building was Inaugurated on May 24
The countdown for the Centennial Celebration was started on June 16
Mary Joy Garbanzos ranked 10th in the July 2010 Nursing Board
Liberty Ochavo ranked 3rd and Cinderella Francisco 9th in the August 2010 Guidance Counsellor Licensure Board Exam
The USLS Chorale bagged a Gold in Folklore Category and Two Silver for mixed
Choir and Spiritual/Jazz Category in the 3rd International Choir Grand Prix in Pattaya, Thailand on July 26
Philippine Jan de la Cruz was chosen to be one of the Ten outstanding Students of the Philippines, awarded at the Malacanang Palace on October 7
English Café was constructed
The College of Nursing was considered as a Candidate for Accreditation and is eligible to apply for a formal survey by 2011
Practicum Program (Singapore-Based) – MOA was signed between USLS and Service
On Line to field practicum USLS students (3rd & 4th year HM and Marketing Students) in Singapore, 30 in the Hotel Industry and 20 in the Retail Boutiques
The Academic Probation Policy was strictly implemented for students who entered College at USLS in AY 2009-2010 or earlier and who have accumulated more than 24 units of failures
Verticalization of the Graduate Programs Incorporated in the Colleges
Schooling By Design
On June 4, 2010, a workshop was organized for the lead faculty implementers of SbD(Math 1, English 1, General Science, Rizal and Political Science). The College of Education and SbD Team prepared the calendar of activities and meetings for the Professional Learning Leaders.
USLS celebrated 100 years of Lasallian Presence in the Philippines
New Program Offerings for AY 2012-2013 : BS Food Technology, BSEd Early Childhood Education, BS Electrical Engineering
Programs for Instructional Improvement: Understanding by Design AY 2011-2012, Pedagogical Skills Development Program (PSDP), Moodle, Basic Course in Health Professions Education, DLSP Collegiate General Education Achievement Test (CGEAT)
Launching of the Project Stay program for students on academic probation
Academic Initiatives founded on the three Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes (ELGA): Socially Responsible Christian, Critical Thinker, and Effective Communicator
Research: Collaborative Projects of the University Research Center, Strategies to accelerate activity, Publication of the URC Research Manual
Busog-Lusog-Talino Project
Business Resource Center Partnership with College of Business and Accountancy
Diamond Jubilee Year Celebration
Unigames returned to USLS
Jose Gabriel Javellana won silver in international Math contest in Singapore
Cesar Ian Claro and Erika Manolo placed 7th and 9th in June 2012 Nursing Licensure Exam
Brother’s Residence was remodelled to house the Students Activities Building to accommodate Culture and Performing Arts Committee, Spectrum, Yearbook, and Business Resource Center
Hanemar Ponteras and Khara Jane Abuana won THOS Awards from Bacolod Junior Chamber International
Balayan Social Development Office Celebrate 25th year
College of Medicine celebrate 10th year
Benj Mikko Tupas, Franza Kessler Sarmiento, and Nyrmla Kate Orcena named students ambassadors by Google in Southeast Asia
College of Nursing is Granted PAASCU Accreditation (2013-2016)
New Programs Offering for AY 2012-2013: BS Food Technologies, BSEd Early Childhood Education, BS Electrical Engineering
Hannel Pendon Scholarship Granted – Fullbright 2013 for Global Undergraduate Exchange Program
Career Services Office, The Forum, Track and Field, Salon De La Salle, Media Arts Laboratory, St. La Salle Academy of Arts and Culture were completed
Br. Ray celebrated his 50 years as a La Salle Brother
La Salle CARES – USLS (How Lasallian are we?): conducted sessions on how to strengthen the living out of our core Lasallian values.
USLS was granted re-accreditation for CBA, CAS, Education, and Engineering undergraduate programs as well as Graduate program in Education and in Business
USLS College of Medicine (on its 11th year) ranked number 11 top Medical School in the Country
Google Cloud Challenger Competition for Southeast Asia Championship was won by Franz Sarmiento and Katrina Tan Kit
Katrina Lamboson ranked 9th place in the Licensure Exams for Teachers. PBED study ranked our College of Education as number 7 in the country.
Quennie Elli and Alexandra Soledad made it to the Nationals of the prestigious Search for Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines
USLS won twelve NOPSCCEA Championship and three National PRISAA Championship
Participated in the Typhoon Yolanda Relief Campaign
Strengthened the implementation of Special program in Pedagogical Skills Development Program (PSDP), Project Stay, Christian Service Learning Program Curriculum Alignment process, and Academe – Industry Linkages
Job Fair 2014 had a record of 75 participating establishments / companies
Organized SIYENSYA – YEAR 2 and hosted international conferences (MathEd and Knowledge Community)
Blessing and Groundbreaking of new Integrated School Campus
Br. Manuel R. Pajarillo FSC PhD assumes Presidency and Chancellorship of the university.
Conferment of FIDES Award on His Excellency Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle D.D.
Awarding of Gawad Kalinga Housing Project in Dulao, Bago City through CEP-Balayan
Handumanan Week 63rd Foundation Day "Burn the Brightest Flame"
CHE Board Exam 7th Placer Frederico Panaguiton
College of Education ranked 9th in the 2015 LET Examinations
Kenneth Limosnero places 7th in the national CPA Licensure Exams
Frederico Sibug Jr. places 7th in national Chemical Engineering Licensure Exams
Angelo Cachero wins NOPSSCEA Most Outstanding Tertiary Student
Alyanna Therese Pangilinan qualifies for Ayala Young Leaders Congress Bacolod JCI
Louie Raner wins Negros-wide Broadcasting Competition
URC conducted research on Irrawaddy Dolphins found in Pulupandan & Bago City, entitled "Conservation and Management of Irrawaddy Dolphin Habitat in Negros Occidental funded by Deutsche Gessellschaft (GIZ) in partnership with DEN Protected Areas Management Enhancement (PAME) Program.
Dr. Marissa S. Quezon is NOPSSCEA Outstanding Administrator
CHED granted Teacher Education Program as Center of Development (COD) per CHED Memo #17 series of 2016 valid from April 1, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2018.
100% Passing Rate Nursing Licensure Exams with 8th Placer Alysa Marie Lobaton and 10th Placer Bryan Amiel Brey
St. La Salle Awardee 2017, Franz G. Ontal HS80; Col85, UN Chief of Training, On Site Inspections, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Best Treaty Organization (CTBO)
De La Salle Chorale Bacolod brought home the GOLD from the 5th Vietnam International Choir Competition held in Hoi-An, Vietnam June 7-11, 2017
Br. Joaquin Severino Martinez FSC installed as 12th USLS President.
JOhn Cyril P. Claur Top 1 and Jermaine A. Lamboso 9th placer in the November 2017 CHE Board Examinations
100% Passing Rate for the first batch of BS Electrical Engineering graduates in the Registered Electrical
Engineering (REE) and Registered Master Electrician (RME) Licensure Examinations
Comp Sci Students Joseph Mark Anthony Huelgas, Paul Anthony Faburada, Meltito Vagallon, Roston Labayen garnered Best Educational Game Award in the Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit 2017.
Julis Dominique Lagtapon Anjao a third year medical student garnered the Best in Paper and Oral Presentation hosted by the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Pattaya, Thailand Nov. 1-4, 2017
Team Decypher, a group of Information Technology students named Android Masters 2017 Champion (Apps for Social Good Category) December 2, 2017 at the Globe Tower, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Blessing and inauguration of St. Brother Miguel FSC Hall
Julis Dominique Lagtapon Anjao a third year medical student garnered the Best in Paper and Oral Presentation hosted by the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Pattaya, Thailand Nov. 1-4, 2017
Team Decypher, a group of Information Technology students named Android Masters 2017 Champion (Apps for Social Good Category) December 2, 2017 at the Globe Tower, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Blessing and inauguration of St. Brother Miguel FSC Hall
2018 NOPSSCEA Most Outstanding Administrator: Dr. Romeo G. Teruel; Teacher Tertiary Level: Dr. Joebert de los Santos; Teacher Secondary Level: Ms. RhazelL. Mengullo; Teacher Elementary Level: Ms. Jessa Villamor; Academic Non-teaching Personnel: Ms. Teresita Barcoma
St. La Salle Awardee 2018 Br. Ricardo Angel D. Laguda FSC PhD HS87. General Councillor, Pacific-Asia Regional Conference
MARK JOHN SIMONDO 2018 BAR TOPNOTCHER from the College of Law
USLS RANKED #2 among the Best Accountancy Schools in the Philippines as ranked by the CPA Board
Examination with passing rates of 98% based on the four previous CPA Board Examinations 2016-2017
The College of Education is ranked 3rd among the Best Performing Schools in the Philippines in the Licensure Examinations for Teachers as released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on May 23, 2018.
8th among the Top Performing Schools for Secondary Education in the country based on Sept. 2017 LET Board
Ground-breaking of the Integrated School New Building
Celebrated the College of Law 25th Founding Anniversary
Granted 5-Year PAASCU Re-Accreditation, valid until 2023 in the following programs:
- Basic Education Program of the Integrated School
- Arts & Sciences, Elementary and Secondary Education, Business and Accountancy Programs
- Computer Engineering and Electronics Engineering Program
- Business and Education Graduate Programs
- Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management (PhD BM)
- Master in Business Administration (MBA)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership (PhD)
- Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)
Gained Associate Membership in the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
Joshua Sydney Tomas placed 6th in the 2019 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
College of Nursing ranked 2nd for the Best Performing School in the 2019 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE).