DONATIONS OR GIFTS refer to either monetary or in-kind gifts, grants, or contributions. These donations or gifts provide the necessary funding and resource support for various activities, projects and programs that advance the Lasallian educational mission at La Salle Bacolod.
As an institution recognized by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), donations or gifts made to the University of St. La Salle benefit donor/s with tax breaks.
are cash gifts, grants, or contributions made to the University by an individual or an organization. Monetary donations can be in the form annual gifts and endowments. Monetary Gifts may be classified as restricted or unrestricted funds.
gifts, grants, or contributions made to the University other than cash and in the form of property, and marketable securities such as real estate, works of art, books, vehicles, equipment, furnishings, software and licensing, appreciated securities, clothing and other assets or services.
Endowments are substantial single gifts or a series of gifts for a pledge from an individual or group. Endowments are permanently held in trust and guarantee the continuing advancement of scholarship, formation, and the development of capacities and programs in perpetuity. Endowments are permanently restricted funds for the advancement of the Lasallian educational mission. Named endowments are co-mingled with other endowments for investment purposes, but are accounted for separately.
Endowments are managed with a fiduciary responsibility to the donor/s, and as such, only the endowment’s annual interest income must be used for the intended purpose. The principal gift of an endowment is never encroached upon. Additional gifts may be offered to the operating account of an endowment for immediate use. Donors, who are interested in establishing a named endowment, may suggest a design for the endowment to match it with particular interests in view of the mission of the University of St. La Salle.
Professorial Chairs are academic in nature and are named grants in honor of persons specified by the principal donor/s of the funds or to honor the memory of persons who were pillars in the history of the institution. Professorial Chairs support the efforts of the university towards academic excellence by fostering research, publication, and dissemination.
The Professorial Chairs Program is a commitment to advance the research agenda of the University, encourage the pursuit for scholarship and knowledge itself in the various faculties. Professorial Chair endowments bestow the necessary support that inspire creative, relevant research projects and provide opportunities for professional studies at the La Salle Bacolod, sustainably.
Funding of Professorial Chairs come from the interest earnings of permanently restricted funds or endowment funds set aside for strictly educational purposes. Friends of the university are invited to add to the principal funds that support the Professorial Chair of their choice. Memorial or Honorary endowments may be established at the University of St. La Salle.
Naming Rights is an enduring Lasallian tradition that bestows on exemplary Lasallian partners and associates the distinguished honor of being recognized for contributions to the University of St. La Salle. Naming Rights is granted by the La Salle Bacolod to ensure that the honoree’s legacy is remembered and held in esteem. The distinction is exclusively accorded with the University of St. La Salle’s exclusive right to name:
Bequests / Legacy are gifts of a monetary sum or property derived from the estate of a deceased individual through a will given into the permanent possession of the University of St. La Salle. The income may be used to fund Prizes, Professorial Chairs, and Scholarships, or as specified in the legacy by the deceased. In the absence of specifications by the deceased, the President may endorse recommendations for the approval of the Board of Trustees.
PROPORTIONAL BEQUESTS are portions of an estate, asset or a percentage of the net estate. RESIDUARY BEQUESTS are gifts of the remainder of a deceased estate after specific bequests, debts, taxes and other expenses have been paid. A residuary bequest may be all of the remainder of any estate, or a percentage of the remainder. SPECIFIC BEQUESTS are defined as gifts of assets made by Will such as a particular amount of money, a particular parcel of real estate, or specific books, shares or jewelry. CONTINGENT BEQUESTS are gifts that take place only if the testator is not survived by certain individuals or if other stated conditions are not met. A contingent bequest can be either a specific bequest or a residuary bequest.
Annual Grants are yearly monetary commitments offered to sustain the Lasallian mission at the University of St. La Salle. The impacts of Annual Gifts are immediate, meaning the funds are disbursed to the student, faculty or staff recipients in the fiscal year they are received. Gifts made annually are generally not invested, and do not earn additional income. However and depending on the circumstances, the University may place Annual Gifts in short-term investments. Annual Grant donors may specify the scholarship and development name and criteria for an Annual Grant made to La Salle Bacolod.
1. An ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP GRANT may be used to provide a full or partial scholarship for poor but deserving students. Annual Grants provide the financial resources and other forms of support that help to fund the difference between the true cost of educating a student and what a student actually pays in tuition and fees.
2. An ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT may be used to provide full or partial personnel development or research funding opportunities for faculty and staff in view of formation for the mission.
Annual Grant gifts help the University of St. La Salle attract the kind of student, faculty or staff recipients who can best benefit from a Lasallian education and formation, but who might not have the funds to cover all of his or her tuition, miscellaneous fees, room and board, books, and transportation or development costs. Annual Gifts may be classified as restricted (offered for a definitive use) or unrestricted funds (where the President is given authority to decide).