A. Recruitment – There is the commitment to an integrated, progressive, scientific, methodical, and creative varsity sports program from the Integrated School to the College. Priority of choice of student-athletes comes from what the school has. Choice may come from the rookies who best fits for the team. Team character determines victory or defeat.
B. Scholarship – The Office will actively pursue and generate scholarship opportunities for the Varsity Sports Program to be able to share Lasallian education to the gifted but economically challenged.
C. Outreach: SHARE – The Office seeks out and organizes initiatives as part of formation that allows the sharing of Lasallian education in the form of apostolates and Sports Clinics to the poor and those in the peripheries.
D. House of St. Brother Solomon at the Dizon Hall – Deserving student-athletes will be housed based on a criteria in view of the Mission. Emphasis is given on implementation of house rules, prayer, training, study in a community life set-up.
E. Sports Psychology – In-house services are provided through collaboration for the personal and mental development of each student-athlete. Regular counseling sessions are scheduled in coordination with the Guidance Services Center.
F. Training - A program that is suited to 21st Varsity Sports Training incorporating traditional wisdom and modern sports science. Training includes developmental and progressive cycle.
G. Formation – The program is integrated with the formative nature of sports, values, discipline, honour, humility and magnanimity. The program commits to an integrated personal and social, sports, academic and spiritual formation program.
H. Academics – Priority is given to the educational formation and academic support of the student-athletes.
I. Nutrition – The program includes proper diet and an appropriate sustenance program in the form of a well-designed plan for the student-athletess’ food and hydration.
J. Facilities, Equipment and Materials – The Office coordinates with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration to ascertain the quality of the University Sports Facilities. Updated equipment inventory and a well-managed acquisition procedure will be observed.
K. Sports Marketing – Marketing includes promotion and advocating communications that advance the Lasallian values hand in hand with efforts to promote the program, teams and individuals.
L. Advancement – Identification of needs and potential supporters to guarantee the sustainability of the program will be high consideration. Financial, material, equipment and facilities support will be actively sought.
M. Coaching Team Development – The Office observes an objective and professional hiring process and will engage in the coaches’ on-going training and formation in view of personal and professional development in heightening their role as implementors of the program.