This is intended for foreign student who is 18 years old and above. Below are the requirements to be submitted at ASAO two (2) weeks after the start of classes. Steps that are indicated below should be followed accordingly.
- Passport
- Notice of Acceptance and Letter of Endorsement issued by the school registrar
- Bureau of Quarantine Certificate and Stamp
- NBI Clearance
- Certificate of Eligibility for Admission from CHED, in case of Medicine/ Dentistry
- Student Visa with processing fee: P 14, 500.00
- Process NBI Clearance
- Take Medical laboratory tests for CBC, Urinalysis, VDRL, Chest X-ray and Stool
- Bring test results to Bureau of Quarantine for medical certificate and quarantine stamp (located beside Montenegro building, BREDCO).
- Request Notice of Acceptance and Endorsement Letter at USLS Registrar Window 4
- Settle student visa payment and other requests at Business Office
- Present all compiled requirements at Bureau of Immigration in Iloilo City for payment and endorsement
- Submit endorsed requirements to Student Desk Visa Section- Bureau of Immigration in Quezon City for approval and implementation.
Important Reminders:
- Student visa (9f) conversion application must be filed one (1) month before foreign student turns 18 years old
- Foreign student should not leave the country while 9f conversion application has not yet been implemented
- Tourist visa must be valid for two (2) months while waiting for 9f conversion to be implemented
- At least two (2) months waiting period must be anticipated for 9f conversion implementation