University of St. La Salle

14 from USLS Pass April 2024 Registered Electrical Engineers Licensure Exam

KUDOS to our 14 new Lasallian Electrical Engineers. Results from the April 2024 Registered Electrical Engineers board exam also show USLS achieving an overall passing rate of 82.35%, which is higher than the national average of 63.64%. Congratulations, Engineers!

The newly licensed Registered Lasallian Electrical Engineers are:

  1. Cajeras, Jeo Harp D.
  2. Castro, Lizlly R.
  3. Chiongson, Michael Adrian Y.
  4. Dela Banda, Jon Rodney E.
  5. Jaud, Victoria A.
  6. Librando, John Joseph L.
  7. Mulle, Daryll King G.
  8. Ogasawara, Minori D.
  9. Porras, Samantha Isabel D.
  10. Talaver, Jay Axcel G.
  11. Teologo, John Miguel M.
  12. Valenzuela, Stella Maris
  13. Veloria, Maira P.
  14. Yanson, Steven P.


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