The Student Assistantship Program is a program that provides opportunities to undergraduate students who are financially incapacitated with the desire and dedication to finish their studies. Qualified students who are placed in the program are granted a FULL scholarship (excluding Special Fees, Yearbook, Alumni Fees) with specified maximum units to be enrolled and are required to render service per week at assigned offices.
Criteria for Eligibility
- The applicant must be a bonafide college student with 2 semesters of residency and graduates of Liceo - De La Salle Senior High School.
- He/she must have a minimum average grade of 80% and must have no failing grade.
- The parents’ gross annual income should not exceed P150,000.
- The applicant must have no other scholarship from USLS or other external donors.
Application Requirements:
- Student Assistantship Program Application Form
- Letter of need signed by the parents & the student
- Latest Joint Income tax return (ITR) of the applicant’s parents
- Recommendation from the Guidance and Evaluation Center
- Report card for graduate of Liceo or two semestral grade for college student applicants
- 1 pc 2x2 recent ID picture
Contact Info
Ground Floor, MM Building
(034) 433-7019 | (034) 434-6100 loc 124