University of St. La Salle

La Salle Opposes Lowering Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility

 “God has made you guides and guardians of these young children”

  • St. John Baptiste De La Salle, (MTR 11:3 (Med 203.3)).

            As an institution dedicated to the formation and education of youth, we stand firm in our opposition of the proposal to reduce the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) in the Philippines. To incriminate the youth, all of whom are still in the early stages of their holistic development, would mean to expose them to a risky environment without the proper restorative facilities needed for their rehabilitation and transformation.

            Furthermore, with only 1.72% of total crimes being committed by children, the implementation of this bill would do little to reduce crime rates in the country, but instead intensify the burden of unnecessary public expenditure and higher social costs brought about by their detainment.

            United as one Lasallian community, we invite all of you to sign the petition and join us in our fight for justice and appropriation. To show your support and learn more about this battle, visit

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